Dan Greenberg Design

V1 Works-Like Prototype for Drivetrain and Ergonomics Testing

V1 Works-Like Prototype with Arduino and Stock Motor Controller for Drivetrain Testing and Validation - Rear Protective Cover Removed

V1 Prototype Made Child-Safe for Testing

Child Testing V1 Prototype for Ergonomics, Overall Function, and Play Value

Pre-Production Motor, Gearbox, and Controller Abusive Life Testing in US Office

Near-Production Drivetrain Life Testing in International Lab

Ultimate Go-Kart

Tasked with creating the fastest battery op for kids 3 to 8 years old. Using an Arduino and stock motor driver with a binary foot throttle and 4-position gear shift input, I experimented with various powertrains and protections to achieve 8mph max speed, run for 1 hr fully loaded on concrete at max speed, and be able to run on grass fully loaded at max speed without tripping protections or burning out the motors or controller.

Tested multiple motor gearbox configurations of different sizes, RPMs, reduction ratios, and suppliers, until a cost effective and robust motor gearbox combination was sourced and validated. Worked with motor control vendors to provide performance specifications, issue track code, and ensure the product the product was safe and fun to use.

The Ultimate Go-Kart won the Toy Association’s 2021 Outdoor Toy of the Year Award.